JAKARTA - It doesn't feel like Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs has been gone for 10 years. Commemorating the day of his death, Apple released a short film and a personal statement from the family of the father of technology.

On October 5, 2011, Jobs left his family and the world of technology after his battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 56. The short film has been shown on Apple's official website.

Presenting snippets of Jobs' life in photos, videos, and some of his most iconic quotes, from “the computer is a bicycle for the mind” to the introduction of the Mac, iPod and iPhone.

Since then all of Jobs' inventions were instrumental in making Apple one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Apple CEO Tim Cook, who took over as Jobs' successor in August 2011, sent a brief e-mail to company staff. Cook said, "not a day goes by without thinking of Jobs, and excited for what the company will do next," said Cook.

"Steve once said that his proudest accomplishments are yet to come. He spends every day imagining a future no one else can see and working relentlessly to realize his vision," added Cook.

Meanwhile, Cook also tweeted a video commemorating Jobs made by the company, he said, "'People with passion can change the world for the better. SJ. Hard to believe it's been 10 years. Celebrating you today and always," Cook tweeted .

Furthermore, Apple also uploaded a statement from the Jobs family, which is shared below as quoted from The Verge, Wednesday, October 5.

"For a decade now, bereavement and healing have gone hand in hand. Our gratitude has become as great as our loss. Each of us has found his own path to comfort, but we have gathered in a beautiful place of love for Steve, and for what he taught us.

For all of Steve's gifts, it's his strength as a teacher that has endured. He teaches us to be open to the beauty of the world, be curious about new ideas, look to the next angle, and most importantly stay humble in our own budding minds. There are many things we still see through his eyes, but he also taught us to look for ourselves. He gave us the tools to live on, and it has served us well.

One of our greatest sources of comfort is our relationship between Steve and beauty. The sight of something beautiful, wooded hillsides, well-crafted objects, reminds us of his spirit. Even in his years of suffering, he never lost his faith in the beauty of existence. Memories are not enough for what is in our hearts. We miss him so much. We are blessed to have him as husband and father."

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