YOGYAKARTA – Thanks to several Google services, now Work From Home activities can run more easily. From communicating with team members using Meet; work on one document at a time via Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides; to save documents using Google Drive.
Indeed we can use all Google services for free. However, the features you can get are limited. Google Drive is no exception, whose storage capacity is limited to 15GB for free users.
In fact, Google Drive is not only used to store work documents. But also email, photos, and various types of data that you create through Google services.
So, when Google Drive is full, some of your activities are disrupted, right? Therefore, when Google Drive is full, use this method to solve it.
How to Fix Google Drive Full
If you rarely use Google services, you certainly won't face this problem. But, it's different if your daily activities are carried out via the Google platform. The problem of storage becomes important and crucial.
Well, to help you increase productivity when Google Drive is full, do one of the ways below. Just check it out, okay?
Delete Old Emails from Gmail
Deleting emails contained in Gmail is the easiest and first step you can do. You can start by deleting emails in the Draft, Spam, Trash, or advertising email folders.
In addition, also delete emails that are attached to the largest files. To make your search easier, you can add the keyword 'has:attachment' to the search box.
Delete Unneeded Photos and Videos on Google Photos
For Android users, most of the photos are usually saved on the internal storage automatically. If you install the Google Photos app and have it synced with your device storage, all photos and videos on your phone will be uploaded to Google Photos automatically.
Unfortunately, this process can't choose between photos that are important and those that aren't. Especially if you have a lot of poor-quality photo files, they will still be uploaded automatically!
Therefore, the second step you can do is to delete the photo or video on Google Photos.
It's easy, open the application, then click Settings. Next, find the Upload size for the photos & videos menu, then tap the Storage Saver menu.
By doing the steps above, Google Photos will reduce the quality of photos stored in the application -from HD to HQ.
After that, you need to delete the photos you no longer need in Google Photos. On the Storage Server menu, tap the View menu.
In it, you will see the corrupted video or photo. Well, you need to delete all the files to reduce the capacity of Google Drive.
Those are two ways to fix Google Drive's full capacity. Hopefully, the above explanation can help you to free up free storage space from Google.
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