JAKARTA - LinkedIn, Microsoft's social networking platform for the world of work, has just announced a new feature aimed at enhancing the user experience.

These include a new Learning Hub aimed at organizations to provide professional development, other training to employees and using LinkedIn data insights to help highlight relevant skill paths and career development opportunities.

LinkedIn also provides 40 free courses for select users to match current changes. Free courses will focus on developing the modern workplace, including adapting to hybrid settings, staff management in evolving work environments, and tips for returning to the office.

The company hopes that by making this course available free of charge, it will see increased use of the Hub, which in turn will facilitate increased reliance on its professional education tools among more organizations, further expanding its presence in the career development space.

Additionally, LinkedIn says it will use its own data on employment trends, plus AI, to personalize content to organizations and users.

"The Learning Hub has all the capabilities of traditional LXP, combining all the company's learning resources, but so much more. It draws on data and insights from our Skills Graph, the world's most comprehensive skills taxonomy with 36K skills, over 24 million job info posts , and the largest professional network of 740 million members, empowering customers with richer skills development insights, personalized content, and community-driven learning."

The Learning Hub feature was first previewed last April and is currently running in limited beta. Now Learning Hub is rolling out more widely. LinkedIn will charge organizations for access to the Learning Hub, providing another revenue stream for the company.

Initially, the Hub was available to LinkedIn Learning Pro users for free, but over time, LinkedIn will implement a payment system. As well as being a standout business, it's also linked to a larger company's efforts to deliver more business-focused services, and more engagement from the HR department, to support one of the revenue drivers such as recruitment.

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