JAKARTA - Billionaire Jeff Bezos has successfully flown into space on Tuesday, July 20. The launch was completed in about 10 minutes 18 seconds, from the launch of the rocket to the New Shepard capsule landing safely back on Earth.

Bezos and three other astronauts, namely Mark Bezos, Wally Funk, and Oliver Daemen, were the first four people to successfully board the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket into space.

Compiled from Uniland, Wednesday, July 21, the historic suborbital flight ushered humans into a new era of space tourism. However, before Bezos succeeded in this mission, a petition circulated on social media.

The petition aims to prevent Bezos from returning to Earth after his journey. Last time, the petition had a total of 41.000 signatures, and it is now a staggering 200.000 signatures.

Petition refusing Jeff Bezos to return to Earth.

"Billionaires shouldn't be on Earth, or in outer space, but if they decide, they should stay there", said Ric G, who started the petition on Change.org.

"The recent billionaire space odyssey competition is a slap in the face to working-class people struggling paycheck to paycheck just to survive. Whether they're struggling with food crises, health care, shelter, or access to clean water, this is a problem. has an unpredictable price tag like the unemployed billionaires, corporate lobbyists, and Washington bureaucrats you believe".

The Amazon founder will not be the first billionaire in space, because Richard Branson has already made a successful flight into space with Virgin Galactic. However, Branson only reached 53 miles above Earth, while Bezos traveled as far as 62 miles, which is known as the space limit.

"There was one person who was the first person in space, his name was Yuri Gagarin and that happened a long time ago. This isn't a competition, it's about building a path into space so that future generations can do amazing things in space", said Bezos.

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