JAKARTA – The search for life on other planets continues to be encouraged. Israeli-American astronomer from Harvard University, Avi Loeb warned that humans should immediately send a spacecraft to study intergalactic visitors that resemble the object Oumuamua.

Oumuamua is an interstellar object that shocked astronomers in 2017. The mysterious object came from outside the Solar System and just flew across the Earth.

Cited from Sputnik News, Loeb argues that Oumuamua could be an artificial object. He appealed to researchers to look for alien civilizations that might be in the depths of space.

He also speculates that the Oumuamua object may be one of the tools created by alien technology sent from an alien civilization.

"It is likely that we will encounter alien technology - in other words, equipment - long before we meet creatures from other worlds", Loeb said as quoted by Haaretz.

“Equipment can last long distances and long periods of time, and equipment can be shipped without the intention of being used for years to come”, he added.

In addition, Loeb has discovered "tens of billions of Earth-like systems and the Sun right in the Milky Way". He argues that this proves a "reasonable possibility" of the existence of a human-like civilization in the galaxy itself.

In addition, Loeb also confirmed that the universe was formed billions of years ago. Most stars formed before the Sun.

"Other civilizations older than ours must have technology that we can't understand", Loeb said.

"It makes sense that older alien civilizations sent spacecraft, just as we have sent Voyager and New Horizons beyond our Solar System".

The scientist also revealed that in order to look for evidence of the presence of alien civilizations, humans would have to carry out archaeological excavations to look for anything that might be left of alien civilizations.

“We need to look for evidence of the existence of alien civilizations like we do archaeological digs, looking for anything they might have left behind. We can find evidence of their existence if we find other objects like Oumuamua, and if we find them earlier, that's enough".

On the other hand, the presence of the Vera C. Rubin obsertvatorium in Chile is more sensitive than the telescope that discovered Oumuamua, namely Pan-STARRS. The Vera Observatory allows scientists to more frequently detect extraterrestrial objects that resemble Oumuamua.

Therefore, according to Loeb, it is very likely that humans "could send a spacecraft to photograph it, and even land on it".

"If we can document such an object, we can easily distinguish between an artificial object and a natural object - and if it is artificial, we can bring this technology to Earth", he said.

“As a result of the technological discoveries of other cultures, which are more advanced than ours, we will enjoy a scientific boost, and this will have very high economic value. When the field of astroarcheology opens, it will be like a gold hunt".

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