JAKARTA – The founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin expressed his opinion on the cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) in a podcast on Lex Fridman's YouTube channel. Buterin said that if there was a link between Doge and Ethereum, the meme coin transactions would be up to thousands of times per second faster.

The former cryptocurrency writer at Bitcoin Magazine said that Ethereum is not opposed to Dogecoin.

“I really don't think Ethereum is an opponent of dog coins,” he said, as quoted by Bitcoin News.

Fridman asked Buterin's response to Elon Musk's comments on Twitter that he was "scared of the Doge". Buterin responded to this:

"I'm not afraid of Doge, I love Doge, I bought Doge, have several Doge and still hold," said Vitalik Buterin in the interview.

When Buterin was asked if it was possible for Dogecoin to rise and “beat Bitcoin”, the Ethereum boss said, “if doge were connected to ethereum and then people could trade doge thousands of times per second… that would be awesome.”

In addition, he also discussed the development of Ethereum 2.0, Dogecoin, Elon Musk's influence on cryptocurrency and the Doge clone, Shiba Inu. According to him, the figure of Elon Musk has the power to encourage cryptocurrency developers.

"I think if we can safely connect doge-to-ethereum that's great and then when Ethereum gets the scalability that works for Ethereum assets, you'll be able to trade doge with very low transaction fees and very high speeds as well," said Buterin. .

He also explained that if that happened it would be a "nice collaboration."

Buterin's support for Dogecoin was agreed by Elon Musk. The Tesla, SpaceX and Neuarlink boss agreed with Buterin's opinion through his Twitter comments in response to the Ethereum boss's words.

“I totally agree with Buterin,” Musk commented in response to Buterin.

For information, Ethereum (ETH) is the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin (BTC). Some time ago, ETH began to be increased to reduce high transaction costs, including the switch from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS).

Previously, Musk revealed that he would help develop Dogecoin. He also plans to make Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer's cryptocurrency the "currency of the Earth."

Although on several occasions, Musk's tweets on Twitter often trigger the decline and increase in cryptocurrency prices, the controversial figure has helped push DOGE's price by thousands of percent and its market capitalization to 5 billion US dollars.

That puts the meme cryptocurrency into one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies today. He sees the ongoing battle between fiat money regulated by central banks and blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.

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