JAKARTA - Chinese tech giant Huawei has been constantly pressured by the United States (U.S.) government despite the change of president. In the final days of Trump's presidency, Huawei has been put on the black list for allegedly threatening national security.

As a result Huawei was unable to enter the global business environment. When power shifted to Joe Biden, Huawei was optimistic about his future. In fact, Biden instead followed in the footsteps of previous U.S. presidents.

Therefore, Huawei decided to change the direction of its business from hardware manufacturer to software manufacturer. This information was disclosed by Huawei boss Ren Zhengfei to employees.

In a memo, Ren will focus his employees on the software business. In addition, he also hopes that they can run the new business independently.

The U.S. government's condemnation prompted Huawei to rethink its business strategy from various sides. The sanctions are a pivotal moment for Huawei in entering its new business.

"Huawei should use the software as a tool, not only to strengthen its position domestically but also to expand its business territory effectively, amid challenges from America," Ren Zhengfei said as quoted by Reuters on Tuesday, May 25.

He also added that if in the future the U.S. does not allow Huawei into the U.S. then they will not allow Uncle Sam's country to enter China.

"When we dominate Eripa, Asia Pacific and Africa, if U.S. standards don't suit us, and we can't enter the U.S., then the U.S. won't be able to get into our territory," huawei's boss continued.

Huawei has successfully created an operating system called HarmonyOS based on Open Source. This operating system is often able to operate various devices such as smartphones, televisions, smartwatches and various other Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

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