JAKARTA - Apple Watch often opens applications or displays Smart Stacks based on your activities. However, if you prefer to always see your watch face every time you look at your wrist, there are several adjustable settings.
WatchOS 10 introduces the Live Activities feature, which is a real-time updateable widget notification. This feature can take over your watch face, but you can turn it off:
Here, you can:
In the Live Activities Settings section, you can also control how media applications work.
Apple Watch allows granular settings to control auto-launch behavior in various applications:
For the Apple Watch model with the Depth application, the clock will automatically open the application while you are in the water. You can change it at Settings > General > Auto-Launch to keep showing the face of the clock, even during submerged hours.
By understanding and adjusting this setting, you have full control over when the clock face is displayed and when the app, Live Activities, or other features appear. Make sure to explore this option on your Apple Watch for an experience that suits your preferences more
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