JAKARTA Mars is one of the planets observed to search for signs of life. After the discovery of methane on the planet, scientists continue to look for strategic locations that support research.
Now, scientists know where they can find signs of alien life on Mars. The latest science paper in the journal Astrobiology, quoted from Space, notes that potential locations for searching for signs of life are beneath the Martian surface.
Initially, scientists researched Earth to search for metanogens that thrived with Mars-like conditions. They map their location based on temperature ranges, salinity levels, and pH values in locations scattered throughout the planet.
Once narrowed, there are three categories of selected locations, namely microscopic cracks in the Earth's crust, freshwater lakes buried under glaciers or polar ice sheets, and a very salty deep ocean basin and lack of oxygen.
These three categories need to be adjusted to the data available on Mars, especially the conditions below the surface. To ascertain whether the three categories have signs of life, a map of the existence of liquid water must be ensured first.
Liquid water is a very important element to support all types of life, even methanogens. When considered from the current state of Mars, researchers argue that the bottom of the Martian surface has the best chance.
Acidalia The committee, a lowland that was once believed to contain oceans, is one of the potential locations. However, there are several considerations that still need to be studied, such as warm temperatures that only support liquid water with a depth of 4.3 to 8.8 kilometers.
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