JAKARTA With the current technological developments, financial activities are often carried out on devices, including banking. Despite making it easier for users, hackers see this as their opportunity.

Many hackers are trying to access someone's banking through their devices to steal money. There are several methods hackers can use, but these three are the most frequently used methods, according to Makeuseof reports.

Spread Malware On Download Sites

The first way hackers often do is spread malware through downloading websites. Usually, hackers will create a replica application first and place its application on third-party websites.

This is a cunning way because some users can get stuck downloading the app. Once downloaded, users will realize that the app they downloaded is different. If it's downloaded, malware may already run on the user app.

Phishing Email and Messages

Next, hackers can access a person's banking application by spreading emails or messages containing phishing. Usually, hackers will pretend to be banking companies and say that the victim gets a reward or there are problems with the account the victim uses.

When the victim is in a state of panic, they can tap on the included link unconsciously and the hacker will immediately get access to the victim's device. Scams like this are very detrimental because all user money can be drained immediately.

Slip Keylogger

The next frequent hacking method is the inclusion of keyloggers into malicious software. Keylogger works secretly in the background by copying the victim's typed password.

This is another dangerous method because the passwords typed by the victims will be sent directly to hackers. The easiest way to avoid keylogger methods is to download apps from official websites or app stores.

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