JAKARTA - Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon.com's subsidiary, Inc., announced that Grab, Southeast Asia's leading superapp, has chosen AWS as their cloud provider.
Announced during the AWS re:Invent event, with AWS technology, Grab hopes to accelerate growth in its various services, including transportation, delivery of goods, and financial services, or their new digital bank.
In addition, Grab also hopes that using the company's AWS cloud it can increase operational efficiency in eight Cambodian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as reduce IT's infrastructure costs.
We are focused on sustainable innovation to meet the needs of users and partners. We are delighted to be able to extend our partnership with AWS as our preferred cloud partner to continue supporting us on this journey," said Suthen Thomas Paradatheth, CTO Grab.
In this partnership, Grab uses the analytics service AWS Clean Rooms, which allows data cooperation to safely and maintain privacy between various entities and organizations.
In addition, Grab also utilizes a dedicated database from AWS and has migrated more than 400 backend application services from traditional virtual servers to AWS Graviton2 processors to support high performance and cost and energy efficiency.
Amazon Real Database Service (Amazon RDS) as Amazon's transactional database will ensure its high availability, scalability, and platform adaptability to provide extraordinary customer experience, supported by more accurate and easy-to-find data.
Tidak lupa, Grab juga menggunakan chip khusus AWS Inferentia dengan kemampuan inferensi ML untuk mendukung layanan berbasis AI secara efisien, termasuk peningkatan peta dan deteksi penipuan di bank digitalnya.
By building AWS's computational foundation, Grab continues to develop and implement various AI-backed use cases, particularly to increase driver productivity and support merchant partner growth.
By integrating a large language model (LLM) with previous data on interest points and customer records, Grab has refined the final distance guidance system for delivery partners.
By leveraging AWS' latest operational, scalability and technology performance, Grab is able to deliver personalized and smooth transactions to millions of users across the region, concluded Jeff Johnson, Managing Director, ASEAN at AWS.
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