JAKARTA Apple is again presenting the latest innovations through the iOS 18.2 update, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2. One of its flagship features is the ability of "ghostwriting" that allows users to write emails, essays, and various text automatically using Apple Intelligence.

This feature comes thanks to Apple's partnership with OpenAI which integrates ChatGPT technology directly into Siri and a new feature called "Compose". With the Compose feature, users can ask ChatGPT to create original text based on the instructions provided. This feature is available in various Apple applications such as Notes and Mail, and can be accessed via the copy/pastage menu in other applications.

Previously, writing tools in Apple Intelligence could only edit and format existing text. Now, with ChatGPT integration, users can directly make text from scratch. Once the first draft is complete, users can provide further instructions for improvement or even request a complete rewriting.

In addition, the iOS 18.2 update also introduces the Describe your change' option, where users can give specific instructions for the desired changes to the existing text. This feature complements the three pre-available writing styles, namely Friendly, Professional, and Summary Styles.

For many users who often have difficulty dealing with blank screens when they have to write, this Compose feature is a practical solution. With Apple Intelligence, the writing process becomes easier and more efficient.

This update is seen as a significant step in increasing the productivity of Apple device users. What is your experience with this latest feature?

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