JAKARTA All phones, both Android and iOS, have power buttons on the left or right side of the device to turn off, turn on, and restart the device. However, this button can be problematic.

If you have a phone with a fairly old age, the power button can be removed from the side of the device or may be damaged until it stops working. If the button is broken, you won't be able to turn off the power by pressing the button.

Fortunately, you still have other alternatives to turn off your phone. The following is how to turn off Android and iOS phones easily when power buttons break, citing from How to Geek.

Turn Off Buttonless Phones On Android

Almost all Android devices have different settings display so the method of turning off a phone without power buttons will also be different. However, some devices have power buttons on the top panel, such as Samsung for example.

How to search for power buttons in the Samsung Galaxy is very easy. You just need to pull the panel from above, then pull it again until a shortcut line appears. At the top, to be precise next to the setting button, you will see the power button. If taped, there are several options to choose from, including Turn it off.

Turn Off Buttonless Phones On IOS

Although not as long as Samsung, the iPhone can also turn off the phone quickly through the settings. Here are the stages to turn off the iPhone without the power button.

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