JAKARTA On Android 15, users can change the magnitude of the haptic vibration strength. Although currently the feature is only available for Pixel phones, this feature will be available on other phones after Android 15 is expanded.

Adaptive vibration features are very useful when the phone is in vibration mode and is not near you. For example, when you turn on music from other devices, the vibration of the phone will likely not be heard.

To overcome this, adaptive vibrations will adjust the level of vibration based on microphones and other sensitiveness in the phone. That way, the device can form sound levels according to the surrounding environment.

Basically, this device will emit movement and sound in standard mode. However, if the vibration is passed or the user does not realize the vibration, the vibration strength will continue to be increased.

How To Enable Adaptive Vibrations

For now, adaptive vibration mode is only available on Pixel phones. If you use that phone, you can follow the following stages.

After returning to the settings, the phone will begin to adjust the vibrations using adaptive vibrations. Please note that this mode will not affect the device when the user types or interacts with the device.

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