JAKARTA Adobe Lightroom gets a variety of new features to help photographers express their work. This feature is claimed to make Lightroom more efficient as its performance improves.

When holding the MAX, the annual creativity conference at Miami Beach, Adobe revealed that they will add various editing features based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). All of these latest features are considered effective in maintaining the quality of editing.

The first feature Adobe adds is Quick Action. Available for iOS, Android, and web versions of Lightrooms, this feature can perform automatic editing by detecting subjects, backgrounds, and features that need to be improved such as teeth, eyes, or skin.

"Quick Action automatically makes the individual masks of each element selected to be refined with available or further refined controls in the masking panel. This action will even suggest the best precession," said Adobe.

Next, there is a Generative Recover feature that is also available in mobile applications. This feature was released in early access last May, but now the feature will be publicly available. This means that regular Lightroom users can also easily access this feature.

Generative Remover is released to eliminate interference or imperfect objects in the image. This AI-based feature is very important for photographers who want to remove photobombs or focus on the main object.

"We have also added improvements to select objects to make them easier to use. Now when the Detect Objects option is enabled, you just circle the disturbance you want to remove besides wiping it," Adobe explained.

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