JAKARTA The more popular a platform is, the more crime models it can find in it. This happened to platform X, formerly known as Twitter, which is often abused.

Many fraudsters are trying to take advantage of this platform to earn money from their users. There are various types of crimes that are often found on this platform. In order not to be deceived, here are the types of scams that often occur in X, reported by Makeuseof.

Fraud In Bot Form

Platform X, including Elon Musk as the owner, does not like bots because these accounts are often used by fraudsters. Although not all bots are malicious, many use bots to spread malware, via phishing, and still can.

Based on the results of the SimilarWeb analysis in 2022, five percent of X users are bots and they generate 21 to 29 percent of the content on the platform. This number may have increased so you shouldn't click on foreign links from bots.

Fraud In The Name Of Service

The next fraud that often occurs, even in Indonesia, is fraud in the name of certain services. Usually, this scam arises when users X complain of their problems against network operators, banks, and much more.

Usually, the scam account will use a name that is almost similar to the original account with the same bio and account profile photo exactly. They will direct users to do something until phishing happens. Therefore, you have to open the profile first and make sure the account that contacts you is genuine.

Verification-shaped Phishing

The next scam that is quite dangerous is in the form of an email, but in the name of X. Usually, the fraudster will use the same title or email content exactly as the email from X or compose the sentence using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This email will tell you that the user's account has been entered by an unknown person and includes a button to tap. Many are fooled by this phishing email so you need to pay attention to that the sender uses the original X email.

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