JAKARTA - Threads, an Instagram microblog platform, is working on a new feature similar to that of platform X. Called Community, this feature can group users based on topics and interests.

This new feature was first discovered by Veterans Teknolog Chris Messina in code form. In the Threads update code, Messina sees posts like 'joining' or 'out' of a Community named Loop by the platform.

The technologist also found codes referring to community elements, such as name, bio, and others. Regarding the findings of this code, Instagram did not provide much comment. They also do not provide information about which features will be included.

However, quoted from TechCrunch, the platform synchronized with Threads said that features seen with the 'Loop' code were still in the early development stage. This feature has not been tested internally or externally.

Although there are still few information related to this feature, many believe that this feature will be similar to the Community on X. The reason is, the code on the platform leads to some of the same buttons. This feature is also very suitable to be present on microblogging platforms like Threads.

Selain membantu Threads dalam bersaing secara sehat dengan X, fitur 'Loop' juga dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna. Dengan adanya sarana untuk berkumpul, pengguna bisa menyesuaikan mereka selama menggunakan Threads.

At first, this large-scale group feature received a lot of criticism on X. Many think that this feature eliminates Twitter's identity, the previous name for X. However, Communities are starting to get in demand lately, especially in Indonesia. When Loop comes officially to Threads, this feature may get a positive response.

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