JAKARTA The US National Maritime and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) handed over the Weather Satellite Data contract to Spire Global, a satellite data service provider. This contract was handed over on Monday, September 9.

Spire menjelaskan bahwa kontrak senilai 3,8 juta dolar AS (Rp59 miliar) ini akan berlaku mulai Rabu, 18 September yang mendatang. Perusahaan tersebut akan menyediakan data Okultasi Radio (RO) untuk satelit cuaca hingga 18 September tahun depan.

RO data from Spire provides vertical profiles of atmospheric measurements that include pressure, humidity, and temperatures that can reach points around the world. These data will be used as weather forecasts, space weather models, and NOAA climate research.

Spire explained that the Weather Satellite Data contract from NOAA is part of the Indefinite Quantity Unbounded Delivery Contract (IDIQ). The contract with a limit of 59 million US dollars (Rp911 billion) is for the purchase of NOAA II Commercial Weather Data Program Radio Okultation Data.

Mike Eilts, General Manager of Weather and Climate Spire Global, believes that his company was selected because of its reliable satellite. According to Eilts, the Spire satellite can provide a unique dataset so that it can help NOAA improve weather forecasts.

"Our ongoing cooperation with NOAA demonstrates the power of the government's partnership with the commercial satellite industry to increase weather forecasts," said Eilts, quoted from the official website of Spire Global.

In addition to focusing on almost real-time weather forecasts, Spire Global also provides satellite data to support climate research. The hope is that this data can protect the lives of all humans from bad weather conditions.

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