JAKARTA YouTube is developing new technologies for creators to protect them. This technology was created to address content based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) that mimics their voices and faces.

AI should be used to help creators channel their creativity, but this technology is often misused so that a lot of deepfake content is circulating on the internet, especially YouTube. Therefore, YouTube created this new tool.

"We are committed to working with our partners to ensure progress (this tool) in the future," YouTube said on its official website. "We will continue to develop barriers to address problems and achieve our common goals."

There are two tools that YouTube is developing. First, the company created technology to identify synthetic songs within Content ID. This tool is designed to recognize the voice of an artist or creator in a song.

"(This tool) automatically detects and manages AI-generated content on YouTube that mimics the sound of their singing. We are refining this technology with our partners, with a pilot program planned for early next year," explained YouTube.

The second tool that YouTube is developing is a technology that can detect mock faces in AI-made content. This technology will help creators deal with content that abuses their faces on YouTube.

"We are actively developing new technologies that will allow people from various industries from creators and actors to musicians and athletes to detect and manage AI-made content featuring their faces on YouTube," said YouTube.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)