JAKARTA - The Pedle-based Penpie platform experienced a massive cyberattack on September 3, 2024. This attack caused the loss of more than 27 million US Dollars (approximately IDR 416 billion) in the form of synthetic and wrapped crypto assets. This incident is one of the biggest incidents in the DeFi ecosystem this year, highlighting the vulnerabilities that still exist in this growing technology.

According to a report from Crypto Potato, according to a real-time blockchain monitoring system Cyvers Alert, the attack was allegedly carried out through a smart contract originally financed with 10 ether (ETH) via Tornado Cash, a service often used to hide the origin of crypto transactions. After this incident was revealed, Penpie admitted that they had experienced a security compromise' and immediately stopped all transactions on their platform to prevent further losses.

The Pedle network, where Penpie operates, also gave a response. They ensured that Pedle's internal funds were safe after conducting an in-depth investigation. Even so, as a precautionary measure, Pedle suspended all temporary contracts to help Penpie's team resolve this incident and prevent further attacks.

Setelah serangan terjadi, Penpie dan Pedle bekerja sama dengan tim keamanan siber, termasuk Seal 911, untuk merumuskan strategi perlindungan lebih lanjut. Pedle juga merilis laporan awal mengenai kronologi kejadian ini, termasuk bagaimana mereka mendeteksi smart contract suspicious yang difinan dari Tornado Cash. Langkah defensive segera diambil untuk melindungi jaringan dari percaman lebih lanjut, dan setelah pemeriksaan menyeluruh, operasi di jaringan Pedle kembali normal.

Meanwhile, Penpie is trying to establish communication with the unknown hacker. They offer a peaceful path by giving a scam or reward to hackers if they are willing to return the stolen funds. Penpie also promised not to take legal action and would keep the identity of the perpetrators a secret if the deal was reached.

However, until this news was written, there had been no further information regarding the response from hackers. Penpie's operations are still stalled, and his team is focused on restoring the system so that users can access their funds again.

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