JAKARTA Not all YouTube content can be watched freely by users. Some videos apply age limit so you have to confirm according to the policy from YouTube. When confirming age, your account must be installed on the mobile app or YouTube website. This method is very troublesome if you want to watch videos on other devices without entering an account and confirming age. Reporting from Makeuseof, you can still watch videos with age constraints without having to log in and confirm age. Usually, videos with age constraints can be accessed freely via alternative websites that can be opened in your browser. The first website is Invidious. Through this platform, you can search for any video and play it as usual. You can also copy a video URL via a YouTube website, then paste the URL of the Invidious search bar.
The next website that you can use is ListenOnRepeat. Just like Invidious, this alternative website can be used to watch any video you want. Interestingly, ListenOnRepeat offers favorite features on the main page. In addition to the two websites, you can also download two alternative YouTube apps, namely FreeTube, NewPipe, and SkyTube. FreeTube can be downloaded on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Meanwhile, the last two apps can be downloaded on Android. FreeTube can be downloaded easily via its official website. Unfortunately, downloading NewPipe and SkyTube applications is not easy. You have to use third-party applications or via F-Droid because both are not available on the Google Play Store.
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