JAKARTA In May, Google said that the cheapest package on Google Workspace, the Business Starter, will switch to combined storage. This turnover will be made in September. Google will add a shared Drive, a folder to store and access team files, in Business Starter. If previously the Workspace package offered 30GB per user, combined storage will offer 30GB multiplied by the final number of users. "Business Starter users will be able to create a Drive together and add members, files, and folders," Google said on its update page. "Please note that certain security control and admin levels will not be included in the Drive basis version together." The Drive joint feature will be launched by default on September 23. This means that Business Starter users do not need to activate certain features to get combined storage. Once this feature is released, members cannot switch to individual storage. Although it cannot switch, admin can stop or turn off this feature before it is used by members. Admin can also add and remove, team members, change the level of member access, as well as limit the transfer of content externally.

"All users will be able to create Drive together by default. If this default behavior is not desirable, admins can update their settings before Business Starter users get access to the feature starting September 23," Google explained. If Business Starter admins want to limit Drive creation together, they can open Admin Consoles, open Menu, and select the Google Workspace option within the App. Next, select Sharing Settings in Drive and Documents, then enable Prevent Users from Creating Drive Together in the Joint Drive Making menu.

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