JAKARTA Neuralink, a brain chip implant developer company, finally provided an updated report on its second patient, Alex. Patients who are part of this PRIME study managed to control the computer. Alex performed brain chip installation surgery last July. Neuralink said that patients with this history of paralysis were allowed to go home the day after installation. Alex recovered quickly and had no problems with implants in his brain. The implant that Neuralink installed in Alex's brain was referred to as Link. When the first time Link was connected to a computer, Alex only needed less than five minutes to control the cursor. Within a few hours, the speed and accuracy of his control continued to increase. "similar to Noland, our first participant, Alex broke a previous world record for brain-computer interface control (BCI) with non-Neuralink devices on the first day of Link use," Neuralink said in the results of their Released PRIME Studies. The first game Alex played was Webgrid. The game was used to measure how quickly patients can click targets without making a click error. After testing with Webgrid was completed, Alex played a Counter Strike shooting game.

Before receiving the Link implant, Alex used the Quadstick, a mouth-operated control tool, to play Counter Strike. This tool has limitations because it has only one joystick so that Alex finds it difficult to target on time. "Now, Alex can use Links in combination with his Quadstick to move and probe simultaneously, opening up more intuitive playing experiences," Neuralink explained. Seeing these developments, Neuralink wants to improve the function of Link implants. They will develop an algorithm for recognizing handwriting and adding physical interaction capabilities. The hope is that patients with Link implants can perform a variety of simple activities, such as eating or moving their wheelchairs. These two capabilities will make previously paralyzed patients more independent.

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