JAKARTA TikTok made a number of updates on its platform to improve user experience and make connections more smooth. This application update was made on Monday, August 12. The release of TikTok includes the addition of stickers and new features in the Direct Messenger (DM chat room). Through this update, "(TikTok wants) to give you greater control over the message delivery experience on the platform." Previously, TikTok users could only exchange text messages in chat rooms. To increase entertainment and make users more expressive, TikTok added sticker features into DMs and users could create or upload stickers. "Stikers provide fun and creative visual chat options that encourage communities to create and upload their own special stickers so that they can be used by everyone," TikTok said in its official broadcast. Another interesting update is the ability to create groups. Now, TikTok users can create groups to interact, watch, and comment on videos in real-time. This chat room can only accommodate 32 TikTok users. While creating group chat rooms, TikTok also pays attention to security issues on the platform. To tighten security, group chat rooms cannot be used for children aged 13 years to 15 years.

Meanwhile, children aged 16 and 17 are allowed to join or create group chats with their age. They can't join group chats if no single friend joins the chat room. "Everyone, including teenagers, can only be added to Group Chats by their friends," explained TikTok. "When teens make group conversations, by default we will ask them to review and approve new members." To avoid spam, TikTok limits the number of groups that each user can create. The platform also limits how many messages can be continued so that group invitations in the form of links are not distributed continuously.

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