JAKARTA - Elon Musk has bitcoin worth IDR 72 trillion. The fantastic amount of Elon Musk bitcoins was revealed by the founder of SkyBridge Capital, Anthony Scaramucci on Wednesday, March 24.

Cited from Financial Express, Scaramucci revealed that the number of bitcoins worth more than 70 trillion is the result of the total calculation of private ownership, SpaceX and Tesla.

However, until now, Elon Musk has not disclosed his official statement regarding the ownership of the 72 trillion bitcoin. This makes Elon Musk one of the largest bitcoin owners in the world.

Even though the current owner of most bitcoins is Coinbase's boss, Brian Armstrong with a total of 91 trillion worth of bitcoins according to a report last February. Elon Musk's bitcoin calculations put him under Armstrong.

In 2018, the Tesla boss informed him of his bitcoin ownership via a Twitter post. At that time, Tesla's boss said that he only had 0.25 bitcoin (BTC). That too was from his friend.

"I do have zero cryptocurrencies, apart from 0.25 BTC that a friend sent me years ago", he said on Twitter.

Musk was also reported to have purchased IDR 21 trillion in bitcoins in February. Previously, Musk also supported cryptocurrency by saying that Bitcoin is a good thing and supporting its presence. He included the hashtag #bitcoin in the bio on his Twitter account.

On the other hand, contrary to Elon Musk's bitcoins, the rampant mining and bitcoin transactions seem to have a negative impact on the environment. One of them is a carbon footprint.

The impact of bitcoin on the environment is revealed by research conducted by crypto money economist, Alex De Vries, which revealed that bitcoin mining activities will soon match the annual carbon emissions of 98.9 megatons (Mt) of CO2 produced by the city of London.

One bitcoin transaction generates a carbon footprint of 359.04 kgCO2. This is equivalent to the carbon footprint of 795.752 VISA transactions or 59.840 hours watching YouTube as reported by Digicomnomist.

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