JAKARTA WhatsApp is one of the most widely used instant messaging platforms. If this application experiences problems, you may miss information that you can't interact with other people. There are many problems that may occur on WhatsApp, one of which is the difficulty in downloading images and videos due to several factors.

If your WhatsApp is experiencing this, here are some improvements you can do, quoted from Makeuseof. Bad Internet Connection Your device may experience a connection problem so you can't download images and videos from other users. To make sure if your connection is in bad shape, you can open another app that requires the internet. If the problem is from your internet connection, try to turn on and turn off the plane mode to restart the network connection. If your internet connection is still in trouble, you can switch to another Wi-Fi connection for a while. Close the WhatsApp App ForCE When your internet connection is running well, the problem may come from the app. The easiest way to solve this problem is to forcibly close the application via device Settings. After that, look for the Application menu and select WhatsApp. If the application page is already open, tap the Paksa Stop option at the bottom. Wait a while, then reopen the application to see if the images and videos from other senders have been downloaded.

Periksa Kapasitas Penyimpanan PonselAnda mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa memori penyimpanan ponsel Anda sudah penuh. Jika notifikasi di perangkat Anda terlalu banyak, peringatan mengenai memori yang penuh mungkin akan tertimbun dan tidak terlihat. Karena itu, Anda perlu memeriksa apakah penyimpanan ponsel Anda masih banyak atau sudah hampir habis. Jika ternyata sudah hampir penuh, hapus file atau aplikasi yang sudah tidak Anda gunakan untuk mengurangi kapasitas penyimpanan. WhatsApp Sedang Error Masalah berikutnya yang mungkin terjadi adalah eror dari aplikasi itu sendiri. Untuk memastikan bahwa Anda bukan satu-satunya orang yang mengalami masalah ini, Anda bisa beralih ke aplikasi media sosial lain seperti X atau Threads. Cari tahu apakah ada orang lain yang sedang mengalami masalah ini. Jika banyak pengguna yang terdampak, WhatsApp mungkin sedang menghadapi masalah dari sisi server. Anda tidak bisa melakukan apa pun selain menunggu hingga masalah diperbaiki.

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