JAKARTA - There is nothing Elon Musk doesn't want to try. As CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, founder of The Boring Company, and played an active role in the founding of OpenAI and Neuarlink, Musk seems to be found everywhere. In any case that offers futuristic technology.

In line with the vision and hopes that were conveyed when he was the speaker of the 2016 Code Conference, "I will not feel happy until we (humans, -red) come out of the earth and inhabit Mars."

Between space rockets, electric cars, solar-panel batteries, and the billions of dollars in production, Musk is like Tony Stark in the real world. And that also made him appear as a cameo in the 2008 Iron Man film.

But, Musk's life doesn't always go smoothly. All we know today is his success and eccentric action. And below, the VOI team has prepared the most complete Elon Musk profile.

Starting from how he got bullied when he was a student to being a calculated entrepreneur like he is today.

Abused Childhood

Intelligence does not always facilitate one's childhood life. And that's what Musk experienced. Living his childhood in South Africa, Musk admits that it is difficult to make friends with children of the same age.

“I had a bad upbringing. Apart from that, I also faced a lot of hardships while growing up. And one thing I worry about kids nowadays is that they are less challenged,” Musk said in an interview with Business Insider.

By the time Musk was 9 years old, he was forced to see his parents separate. At that time, Musk and his younger brother, Kimbal, decided to live with their father. But it turned out to be the wrong choice.

"It's a bad idea," Musk said in an interview with the Rolling Stones about his experience living with dad.

Not only from family life, but Musk's school experience is also not as smooth as imagined. Once upon a time, Musk was forced to stay in the hospital due to being beaten by another student. It is said that bullies pushed Musk down on the stairs and then beat him unconscious.

Move to Canada

After graduating from high school, in the late 1980s, Musk moved to Canada with his mother, Maye, his sister Tosca, and his younger brother, Kimbal. In that country, Musk spent two years studying at Queen University in Kingston, Ontario.

In that place, Musk met Justine Wilson, the writer he admired. They married and had five children, twins and triplets. Unfortunately, the relationship ran aground in 2008.

Continuing Education in the United States, A Turning Point in Musk's Life

After two years of education at Queen University, Elon Musk decided to move to the University of Pennsylvania. There, he took two majors. And while on campus, Musk spends his time at work, without hanging out or hanging out with peers.

Furthermore, Musk graduated as a Bachelor of Physics as well as a Bachelor of Economics at the Wharton School. Two disciplines that ultimately played a major role in Musk's future career. But, according to Musk, Physics is the study that most impressed his mindset.

"(Physics is) a great frame of mind, because you can simplify things down to the most basic truths and then build arguments from that," Musk explained at the TED conference.

Musk was 24 years old when he enrolled at Stanford University for his Ph.D. However, instead of delving into the knowledge he likes, Musk is absent and builds a software engineering company called Zip2.

With 28,000 United States (US) dollars, Musk built the company with his younger brother, Kimbal. In 1999, the company was bought by Compaq AltaVista for 340 million US dollars. From the sale, Musk bought X.com and later converted into PayPal.

This is the company that catapulted Musk's name. Until finally eBay also bought the company for 1.5 billion US dollars. The proceeds from the sale are used by Musk as funds to build his new dream company, namely Tesla.

From Tesla, Musk's career began to flourish. Indeed, for the first ten years, the world was not ready to accept Elon Musk's idea. As a result, the value of Tesla's shares continued to fall and made the company lose money.

However, Musk remains convinced. Until finally, now, Musk is building more companies. More innovation, in order to bring humans to inhabit Musk - which according to the target will be achieved by 2025.

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