JAKARTA Google Chrome has a variety of features that can help its users to work faster, one of which is a saved password or password stored. However, this feature is experiencing problems. On July 25, Chrome users with Windows devices cannot access their stored passwords because of problems with Password Managers. Google says that this problem only affects 2 percent of users or about 15 million people. "Affected users cannot find passwords in Chrome password managers. Users can save passwords, but those passwords are not visible to them," Google said via the Google Workspace Status Dasbor. The company added that this problem only occurs in Chrome with an M127 version. Based on preliminary analytical results, this problem occurs because Password Managers experience behavioral changes and Google does not have the right protection features. Google has addressed this problem quickly and provided a temporary solution so that stored passwords do not return to problems. To support the improvements launched Google, all users must restart Chrome.

"Users are advised to restart their Chrome browser to ensure improvements work," Google said. "We are grateful for your patience while we are trying to solve this problem." For users who are experiencing this problem, they have to launch Chrome with an order --able-features=SkipUndecryptablePasswords. First, open Chrome shortcuts until users leave Chrome completely. After that, go to the desktop and right-click the shortcut to tap the Property menu. In the target field, previous requested input orders, then close the dialogue by tapping OK. After that, launch Chrome again using the shortcut.

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