JAKARTA Platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is creating a new feature that can overcome spam in the comments column. This spam is related to website links that are often found. Found by App Researcher Nina Owji, reported by Engadget, this feature will disable all comments that include websites. That way, users will not find malicious promotion or link websites in the comments column. X users in Indonesia often complain of affiliate comments in various posts, in particular posts with multiple interactions. Usually they include certain comments, then add links from certain e-commerce. Although many users don't like the existence of affiliates, comments with links are difficult to control if their posts get thousands of comments. With this feature, the affiliate problem can be resolved.

Owji shared a screenshot on his website that the Deactivated Link feature in the Comments Pool will be in the settings, precisely in the Only Called Account section. Apparently, this setup can be accessed directly through posts. Christopher Stanley, Senior Director of Security Engineering at X, confirmed that this feature is being developed to address various issues such as bots and unwanted promotion links. This feature will also limit links originating from unauthorized sources. Stanley did not explain when this feature will be launched and whether a free account will get this feature. Seeing that X's primary target is bot, it looks like this feature will be launched for Premium package customers.

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