JAKARTA - When you don't have an internet package, public Wi-Fi is a comfortable way to stay connected when traveling, either in cafes, shopping centers, or airports.

However, it is important to realize the security considerations when connecting to this unlimited network. Sometimes, cybercriminals create fake Wi-Fi networks or infiltrate existing networks.

Once you are connected to Wi-Fi, personal information such as social media login, banking details, and email addresses becomes vulnerable to interception and abuse.

Despite these concerns, there are effective ways users can protect themselves and ensure Kaspersky's data remains safe, including:

Only connect to public Wi-Fi when necessary. Generally it is recommended to use a public Wi-Fi network only if it is absolutely necessary because of its potential security vulnerability.

Verifying network authenticity. While using public Wi-Fi, confirming the validity of the network with facility staff can help prevent connections to fake networks that may capture personal information.

Pay attention to the login page of the public Wi-Fi network. If he asks for login credentials through external platforms such as social networks, this is a warning sign. The request could indicate phishing attempts aimed at stealing personal information.

Avoid sensitive transactions on public Wi-Fi. It is a safe practice to avoid accessing websites that require login information, especially financial services, when connected to public Wi-Fi. This practice significantly reduces the risk of sensitive data interceptions.

Increase privacy and security with VPN. Using a VPN when using public Wi-Fi can significantly increase one's internet privacy.

Modern VPN encrypts data and protects online activities from unauthorized access, and its use does not affect internet speed much, making it suitable for continuous use.

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