JAKARTA - The defendant Harvey Moeis as the extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT) questioned the calculation of environmental losses in tin cases which reached Rp271 trillion.

The reason is, from the information he got, the environmental expert calculated state losses resulting in environmental losses of Rp271 trillion by only making visits to the field twice to take 40 samples from a land area of 400,000 hectares.

"In terms of technology, it only uses free software with an accuracy that cannot be accounted for. However, the result is that the largest state loss figure in the Republic of Indonesia is established," Harvey said while reading the memorandum of defense (pleidoi) in a trial at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18.

Harvey then compared with his experience of exploring coal mines. For onepit (hole) which measures 10 hectares, usually his party can drill with a meeting every 5 meters to 10 meters.

Thus, continued Harve, more than 1,000 points to calculate the number of reserves in the 10 hectare area and from that area sometimes errors are still found.

The defendant explained that the figure of Rp271 trillion came from the calculation of environmental experts at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Bambang Hero Saharjo.

According to him, this value is not a loss to the state in the form of cash, but natural damage.

"However, what appears in the public is that there are parties who feel the profit of Rp271 trillion," he said.

Harvey also highlighted the expert testimony of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) which did not carry out audits according to standard audits in general, but carried out a special audit, which only audited the witness' examination report (BAP) and only from the data provided by investigators.

He said the BPKP auditor only used data on one table of Microsoft Excel made by PT Timah Tbk staff. in May 2024 with a statement "made for the benefit of the Attorney General's Office investigators".

"This data is the only reference to conclude that the price of cooperation in rents and rents is expensive and makes 24 people designated as suspects and detained," Harvey added.

In the case of alleged corruption in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk. in 2015 '2022, Harvey was required to be sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion with the condition that if the fine was not paid, it was replaced with imprisonment for 1 year.

In addition, Harvey is also required to be subject to additional penalties in the form of payment of replacement money amounting to Rp210 billion, subsidiary to imprisonment for 6 years.

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