JAKARTA - SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) such as Fortuner and Pajero Sport will be sold cheaper after the government has successfully imposed a zero percent tax (PPnBM) regulation for four-wheeled vehicles under 1500cc some time ago.

It is planned that this policy will be extended to SUV cars. This is good news for Fortuner and Pajero Sport fans.

The zero percent tax is claimed to be able to boost car sales in the country. It is planned that the policy will also be applied to cars with engine capacities of 2500cc and below.

According to the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the expansion of the policy was based on the will and orders of the number one person in Indonesia, President Jokowi.

The enactment of this regulation is claimed for four-wheeled vehicles with 2500cc engines and is also expected to receive tax incentives during the pandemic that spreads throughout the world. However, there are requirements that must be fulfilled, namely having a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) of at least 70 percent.

"The expansion and deepening formulations will be based on an increase in the cylinder capacity of vehicles combined with a local purchase, or only based on a local purchase, and the possibility of changing the time frame", said Agus in a statement.

"We will immediately coordinate with the Ministry of Finance".

Some time ago, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani had positively welcomed the incentive in the form of a reduction in PPnBM rates for four-wheeled vehicles with an engine capacity of 2500cc.

With this policy, Sri Mulyani hopes that car sales with this capacity will be able to attract the interest of the upper-middle class. The reason is that this community group has the strongest purchasing power during this pandemic.

This is claimed to have a greater impact than the zero percent PPnBM applied to 1500cc cars. If this policy is applied to 2500cc cars, then SUVs such as the Pajero Sport and Fortuner will get big price cuts.

Apart from the two cars, it is reported that the Kijang Innova will also receive the same cut portion if the regulation is enforced.

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