JAKARTA Not long ago, Apple is reportedly shifting its focus to making Vision at low prices. Although initially difficult, it seems that Apple has found a way to cut its costs. Based on a Bloomberg report, the prototype of the cheapest Vision headset is named N107. The original model of this device has a narrower field of view compared to Vision Pro and will depend on other devices made by Apple. To be able to operate without problems, Vision must be bound by an iPhone or Mac. This is a very large change of Vision Pro because the spatial computer technology can stand alone without the need for assistance from other devices. However, the mooring of Vision's headset to the iPhone or Mac is still being considered by Apple. Although later Vision relies on other devices, users can still use important features in Vision Pro.

Apple is indeed focusing on developing Vision to boost sales of their headsets, but the company will not stop developing the second generation of Vision Pro. Apple has even made its prototype. The second generation Vision Pro model is referred to as N109 and looks very similar to its first generation. However, this latest model will use a faster processor and there will be some features to be improved. Both devices will be released at different times. Apple targets the launch of Vision at a low price by the end of 2025, while the second generation Vision Pro is targeted for the fastest release by 2026.

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