JAKARTA Meta updated the Community feature in Messenger. Previously Messenger users had to join a Facebook group to use Communities, now this rule doesn't apply. Reporting from TechCrunch, the latest version of the Community feature could create a special chat room outside the Facebook group. Admins from the Community can also add Messenger users as members without the need to connect with Facebook groups. Meta deliberately updates the function from the Community so that this instant messaging platform can reach more people. The company also wants to make Messenger a wider and unbound social network access to Facebook. In fact, the workings of Communities in Messenger and WhatsApp are almost similar. This feature can create multiple group chat rooms and each community will have a homepage. Admin can use a homepage to make announcements. Since 2022, the community that can host 5,000 members is designed for school, organization, work, and others. All users can stay connected and chat like regular group chat rooms.
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