JAKARTA - A recent study from Accenture states that the use of Generative AI technology for businesses or organizations can increase employee productivity.

While the implementation of generative AI on a large scale can change almost all functions in various industries, reports say the benefits of AI lie in skills.

"In order for businesses to maximize the benefits of a generationative AI and increase growth, business leaders need to create a long-term strategy centered on human aspects," said Vivek Luthra, Data and AI Lead, Accenture Growth Markets.

To fully take advantage of the potential for a generating AI, Accenture recommends the following steps:

Leading and learning in new ways: Leaders need to engage, lead in different ways, and replace the old mindset to learn new things. Leaders also need to explore technology, in order to effectively integrate the learning process into the workflow.

Changing the way we work: By revisiting the way we work, business leaders can gain a good understanding of how generative AI can make maximum contributions.

Reshape of labor: Along with the increasing use of AI technology, companies must further utilize tools and technology, such as skills mapping, which can help smooth the transition to a more efficient role. In addition, companies need to ensure workers have qualified capacity.

Preparing workers: Companies need to focus on improving workers' soft skills in addition to investing in improved technical skills and the ability to collaborate with machines. One of them is using the technique to learn model to equip workers in order to teach machines.

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