JAKARTA TikTok is trying to fight the influence efforts carried out aggressively on its platform. Within four months of this year, TikTok has disrupted 15 influence operations in various countries.
In addition, TikTok has also removed 3,001 related accounts. In the Special Transparation Report regarding covert influence operations, TikTok said most operations were related to election issues before elections.
For example, TikTok is trying to disrupt the network of influence targeting Indonesians before the election. Although it was not explained which account or party was trying to make an effort to influence, this operation was successfully handled.
In addition to disrupting networks in Indonesia, TikTok is also trying to interfere, "Another network targeting Britain by strengthening narratives about British domestic political discourse artificially."
One of TikTok's efforts to prevent covert influence efforts is to expand government-affiliated media policies. The company partners with independent external experts to assess related accounts.
Once judged, TikTok will provide the right label on the uploaded accounts and content, including the ads in it. "This label provides an important context on the source of information to our community."
Media policies affiliated with this country have been improved. Not only labeled, various media that have been assessed by TikTok will be removed from the feed if the account does not meet the predetermined requirements.
"In addition, in the coming weeks, if the account advertises on our platform, they will not be allowed to advertise outside the country where they are affiliated," TikTok said.
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