Here's How To View And Delete TikTok History
Looking at the video history on TikTok (photo: dock. pexels)

JAKARTA You may be one of the TikTok users who likes to spend time scrolling the For You Page (FYP) screen. When home is accidentally tapped, the video you are looking at will disappear. This will certainly make you frustrated because the video you like suddenly disappears. If that happens, you don't need to worry. You can visit your video history that has been watched on TikTok in an easy way. To open the video history that has been viewed on TikTok, tap your profile icon in the lower right corner of the screen first. After that, select the three-line point icon in the upper right corner to open Settings and Privacy. When the Settings and Privacy page opens, tap the Activity Center to the gallery containing a collection of videos is visible. All TikTok videos you've watched will be stored in the Activity Center for 180 days.

Menghapus Riwayat Tontonan TikTokAnda mungkin ingin menghapus riwayat TikTok karena satu dan lain hal. Jika Anda memang ingin melakukannya, Anda bisa menghapus salah satu riwayat video atau bahkan seluruh video yang sudah Anda lihat selama beberapa hari atau bulan.Untuk menghapus riwayat videonya, Anda perlu kembali ke halaman Pusat Aktivitas. Setelah itu, klik Riwayat Tontonan hingga galeri video yang sudah ditonton kembali terbuka, kemudian klik tombol Pilih di sudut kanan atas layar.Jika Anda ingin menghapus satu atau beberapa riwayat video, Anda bisa mengetuk lingkaran yang terlihat di setiap video. Namun, jika Anda ingin menghapus seluruh riwayatnya, Anda bisa mengetuk tombol Pilih Semua Riwayat Tontonan, kemudian klik Hapus.

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