JAKARTA Twitch added a new feed met byBrowse to access clips in vertical form at the end of last year. Now, Twitch Plans to deliver a special live streaming fee in the same form. If you are a Twitch user, you must know that the platform already has a special fee that displays all the contentlive streaming. The feed is on the menuBrowse and the menu is next to the fedClips during testing. However, the content display of the live streaming fee is very simple and only displays a row of thumbnails that need to be tapped. This look seems less effective at attracting more viewers so Twitch will launch a newfeed. Revealed by Twitch via live streaming Patch Notes on Wednesday, April 17, the company said that it will launch a feed in tab form.Tabini will display streaming content with a different view.

The concept is similar to thefeedLive on TikTok which can be rolled out vertically or from the top down. However, the video that looks won't fill the screen because the video shown remains in horizontal format. While scrolling the screen and finding interesting content, Twich users can see the comments column by clicking on the profile photo of the account that is live streaming. Apparently, users can't leave comments while using the tabini. Twitch doesn't explain whether they will keep a boring live streamfeed attabBrowse. However, this new launch plan is the right step because it can help streamers get viewers.

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