JAKARTA Technological advances have encouraged the process of digitization and made it all much more instant. If previously all of them had to exist in physical form, now several things have turned digital. Like for example, people used to only be able to store photos in print form and put them into album photos. However, now they can store more photos in the form of digital files without the need to spend money. The same thing also applies to documents. Society no longer needs to print documents and provide them directly because there are digital files. Although it is much more efficient, there is a possibility of data stored to disappear for one reason or another. In order for this to happen, Seagate Technology shares the right steps in storing files. To welcome World Data Backup Day in the Save Digital Memories themes, here is the right way to protect valuable data. Achievence in protecting data The first step that must be done is to arrange the data backup schedule regularly. This backup frequency is important because users will continue to collect new information and store more data every day. By making regular schedules, you can protect important data from the risk of file removal by accident, damage, to device theft. It is also important to test the backup system periodically. Second, use the 3-2-1 rule to create an inflammatory system pattern. That is, save 3 versions of your data in the form of one original file and two copies, place them in two different media such as local and cloud, and 1 solution in separate storage bins. Third is the priority of backup data security. Before backing up the data, you should know that the backup system is already using proper security. This needs to be considered so that your digital files are protected from potential cyber attacks. Next, adjust the capacity requirements to cost. Not all internal disks offer sufficient storage space so you need to buy external disks. You can also consider cloud storage which usually requires monthly cost.

Finally, use software to back up data. By using software, data can be backed up automatically. For example, Windows pre-installing software. This software can copy data to a second drive. It's easy to do, but also limited. There are also other types of backup software such as cloud synchronization, an online backup service, and full-disk covering. Everything will be processed behind the screen with a simple process. It's a step that can help you in storing data. By doing the five stages described, your data will be guaranteed security and you don't need to be bothered if you lose files for one reason or another.

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