JAKARTA - As of January 2024, the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) said that the number of crypto investors in Indonesia had reached 18.83 million people.

Thus, the number of Indonesian investors has increased by 1.73 percent compared to December 2023. Meanwhile, in the past year, the growth of crypto investors was recorded at 11.7 percent of 16.86 million people.

Tokocrypto CEO, Yudhono Rawis said that the growth in the number of investors shows that public interest in digital assets is getting higher, along with awareness of its potential investment.

"On the Tokocrypto platform, there has been a significant increase in the number of new users, which is in line with the increase in Bitcoin prices. This reflects the increasing enthusiasm of the public for crypto investment," he said on Thursday, February 29.

According to him, intensive education and literacy carried out by various parties, including CoFTRA and crypto asset trading platforms, contributed to the growth of crypto investors.

In addition, Yudho also considers that the development of blockchain technology and increasingly clear regulations also provide trust for the public to invest in crypto assets.

Although the number of crypto investors continues to increase, the value of crypto transactions in Indonesia has decreased. CoFTRA noted that the value of crypto transactions in January 2024 was IDR 21.57 trillion, down 20.8 percent compared to December 2023 which amounted to IDR 27.25 trillion.

However, when compared to the previous year (year on year / yoy), the value of domestic crypto transactions still shows significant growth, reaching 77.7 percent.

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