JAKARTA - Olsera, the all-in-one business management system for Indonesia's Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), launched the Olsera Pro, a cashier management system with no addition.

As an MSME partner, Olsera PRO helps users simplify and increase the efficiency of every aspect of business operations. Business actors only need to pay once a year (Rp2,688,000) to enjoy all features free of charge per transaction.

Professional and complete features that can be accessed include Olsera Accounting, Antarin Makan (including QR Dine In, Take Away, Delivery, and Reservation), Inter-Security, Online Shops, Dashboard Franchise, Dashboard Monitoring, Employee Absence, and Integration with Marketplace.

"We are very happy to be able to provide a solution that frees entrepreneurs from the additional cost burden," said Novendy Chen, CEO of Olsera in a statement quoted Tuesday, February 27.

Novendy also added, "With Olsera PRO, we are strengthening our commitment to empowering MSMEs and helping them achieve success in their business."

Through Olsera Pro, business actors can better manage cash flow and can avoid swelling operations due to additional costs and services.

In the future, Olsera also promised to continue to develop various features to enrich Olsera PRO's innovation, and become an attractive choice for entrepreneurs who want to increase their operational efficiency and net profit.

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