JAKARTA - ChatGPT is a chatbot developed with Artificial Intelligence (AI). When thinking about the conventional AI model, many immediately think about OpenAI's chatbot.

Although ChatGPT is reliable enough to use, you may not be satisfied or want to try other chatbots. You don't need to worry because many large companies have created chatbots, such as Google and Microsoft.

The first AI model that you can use is Gemini made by Google. Although supported by the Large Language Model (LLM), this chatbot is not as good as ChatGPT. However, Gemini is quite strong with the various features presented.

Gemini can be used to produce AI images or to find in-depth information such as ChatGPT. This chatbot also has audio and video processing capabilities so that many hope in this AI development.

The next chatbot that can be used as an alternative is Microsoft's Copilot. Previously, this chatbot was named Bing AI. After being developed and expanded to more devices, Microsoft decided to change the name Bing AI.

This chatbot is just as tough as ChatGPT or even more resilient. The reason is, ChatGPT users have to pay if they want to use the GPT-4 model, while the free version of Copilot already uses the model.

Microsoft combines OpenAI's GPT-4 model with their artificial technology so that the chatbot interaction is quite satisfying. Copilot can also produce AI images such as features on ChatGPT and Gemini.

The last alternative that can be used is Poe by Quora. This last option is not a chatbot, but a platform containing a collection of the most advanced LLM models. This platform can be used to access Palm, Gemini, Llama, and much more.

All of this technology has the same goal, which is to help various human needs, either to learn, work, or do other things. Whatever the chatbot is used, make sure to use its chatbot responsibly.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)