YOGYAKARTA There are several digital technologies that change the world and successfully affect human life and work. In fact, this technology continues to be developed and has yet to find a final point.

The development of digital technology not only changes the world's order, but actually changes human civilization in various regions, including in Indonesia.

Here are some digital technologies that have contributed to world change and are still used by modern humans.

This technology product was discovered in the 1960s and until now the internet has really changed the face of the world. This technology is not only used in communication, but is used in almost all lines of life, both social, cultural, economic, and much more.

It all started with the history of the first cellphone in the world which later developed into a smartphone. It seems that it is not excessive if all the developments of digital technology that are currently being achieved by humans drastically start from the emergence of smartphones. This technology combines mobile phones with increasingly sophisticated computers.

The function of smartphones is no longer just as a telephone, but as a game provider, source of information, social media, and various other facilities that involve digital technology.

Maybe you think that currently bluetooth is no longer needed because there are many replacements. However, this technology is a trigger for the birth of other technologies including earbuds, earphones, portable wireless speakers, and much more. Although not widely used, bluetooth is still relied on in some of the technologies.

The internet network that currently exists in your home may not appear without the discovery of WiFi wireless technology. This technology was discovered in approximately 1997 and is currently being used by everyone.

The WiFI network allows anyone to connect their computer device to the internet to make it easier for them to access what data is available.

Bitcoin (BTC) is claimed to be a digital currency in the future. Beyond the controversy, the discovery of bitcoin seems to have had quite an impact on the world. This product combines technology, currency, mathematics, economy to social dynamics. Currently BTC is used as a medium of exchange in trading in several places and platforms.

Not only BTC, but blockchain, which is the encryption technology behind BTC cryptocurrency, can also be called one of the discoveries that is considered capable of changing the world. The blockchain function itself is used in various activities such as digital security, as identity cards, payments, and much more.

Artificial intelligence is claimed to be able to change how the world works. Artificial intelligence is projected to be able to replace human duties reliably. For now, AI technology is still working in the realm of communication, such as in the form of chatbots or voice assistants. But now an autonomous vehicle, ChatGPT, and even the Internet of Things in the form of machines with human-like thinking skills are starting to emerge.

In addition to digital technology, there is also the most influential technological innovation in 100 years which is no less important to know.

Those are some digital technology that changes the world. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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