Here's How To Free Up ICloud Storage Space On IPhone And IPad
ICloud storage ruanh display (photo: Apple)

JAKARTA - When you set iCloud, you will automatically get 5 GB of storage, and you can use it to store photos and videos, to update documents on iCloud Drive, and much more.

However, if 5 GBs are not enough for you, you can buy iCloud subscriptions for larger storage space, including:

But if you don't want to pay, you can manage storage to add space or upgrade to iCloud+ at any time. Such as deleting photos and videos, or stopping backing up unused applications.

Select which apps to backup on iPhone and iPad

When you confirm, the iCloud backup for the application will be disabled and all information will be removed from iCloud.

Remove the iCloud Reserves and backups on iPhone and iPad

Or, you can delete the old iCloud backup for the device you're using, or the old device you may not use anymore.

ICloud reserves will usually be available for 180 days after you disable or stop using iCloud Reserves. Reserves that are being used to restore devices cannot be deleted, the following way:

When you delete the backup, the iCloud Reserve for your iPhone or iPad will also be disabled automatically. You can reactivate the iCloud Reserve in the iCloud settings on your device.

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