Lenovo Develops AI-Based OS For PC Devices
Illustration of OS AI in Lenovo PC (photo: dock. Lenovo)

JAKARTA - Lenovo, a multinational technology company from China, is reportedly developing an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based operating system (OS) for personal computer devices or PCs.

Quoting from Techradar, this news first emerged after Executive Vice President Lenovo Liu Jun gave a sign that they were developing an AI-based OS. The construction of this OS will be completed this year.

Liu Jun did not explain in more detail about the OS they are developing. However, the Chinese Lenovo president said that the nameless OS would be built based on multi-terminal products.

Later, the device powered by the AI OS made by Lenovo will have the ability to interact in multi-modal natural languages. With this capability, laptop devices can better understand the various needs of their users.

Lenovo also created an AI-based smart terminal. This terminal was created to present various AI capabilities, but still emphasizes privacy and security. The reason is, AI needs must still be accompanied by maximum security.

The technology company has not announced the launch date for the PC OS they developed. It is also not known whether this OS will be added to the latest device or can be felt by Lenovo users.

For now, Lenovo is focused on encouraging the development of the AI ecosystem on PCs. If Lenovo manages to develop this AI-based OS, their OS may be able to compete with the OS developed by Microsoft, namely Windows.

Ket. photo:

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