JAKARTA Google announced that Bard, a generalized Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot, has increased. Starting last Thursday, February 8, Bard officially changed its name to Gemini.

This change was made because Google wanted to add Gemini, an AI model introduced last December, to Bard. By changing Bard's name, Google wants to highlight the advanced technology brought by Gemini.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that Bard already has 40 languages and will be added to Gemini apps on Android and iOS. Bard Advanced, a high-tech chatbot, which uses Gemini Ultra power will change its name to Gemini Advanced.

Gemini Advanced, a new experience that is much more capable of thinking, following instructions, coding, and creative collaboration. For example, private teachers who are adapted to your learning style or can also become creative partners," Pichai said in an official statement.

In addition to changing the name and focus of Bard, this chatbot will be added to several products made by Google. Gemini will replace the AI Duet for Workspace and Google One AI users will get Gemini additions in some apps.

This chatbot will be included in Gmail, Word, Spreadsheet, and Meet. The AI duet in Google Cloud will also change its name to Gemini. Unlike Workspace and One AI, Cloud users will have to wait for changes in the coming weeks.

With this sizeable update, Pichai said that his company wanted to further introduce their AI innovations. The Google leader believes that Gemini can help workers and business people responsibly.

This latest update reflects the way we approach innovation with courage, as well as promote and implement this technology responsibly. We have started training the next iteration of our Gemini model," concluded Pichai.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)