JAKARTA Bitera, a data center facility, announced that they are ready to operate in Jakarta. This readiness was announced after Bitera went through a series of system testing and certification.

The data center completed a 5th level or Integrated Systems Testing (IST) commissioning test in January. This testing was carried out by Commissioning Agents Inc. (CAI), a system review agent and a data center component from the United States.

Bitera was deliberately built in Jakarta because Indonesia's digital economy value reached 77 billion US dollars (Rp 1.2 quadrillion) in 2022, according to Structure Research. This figure shows that the potential need for data centers will increase.

Indonesia, especially Jakarta, has played an important role in the digital economy in Asia Pacific. Our presence is in line with our vision and mission, namely to support Indonesia's digital economy and sustainable growth by supporting the digitization of local businesses and financial institutions," said Bitera CEO Tedy Harjanto.

In accordance with the sustainable growth mission, Tedy said that Bitera supports environmental issues that are of particular concern. Bitera is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint to achieveNet Zero Emission by 2060.

Therefore, Bitera uses an environmentally friendly carbon-neutral cooling system that comes from the State Electricity Company (PLN). The use of electricity has a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) so that it is guaranteed to be carbon neutral.

Bitera, which was built in the Kuningan area, offers a critical IT load of 20MW in more than 8,600 square meters and its capacity reaches 4,000 racks. This data center has a Tier-III+ facility status and ISO 27001 certification from the TCCD Uptime Institute.

This digitization-supporting facility is built specifically with aService Level Agreement (SLA) and is equipped with 8 layers of active security access around the clock. The electricity supply is provided with 2N reduction from diversified substations.

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