YOGYAKARTA - If you want to use a new XL number but can't register, you may have registered a XL more than 3 times. To be able to use a new number, you need to carry out registration or unreg the previous number first. Want to know how to unreg XL cards?

How does the method go through unregistration or unregulation of XL cards? Usually, people use one of the following 3 methods, namely sending SMS, contacting the XL call center, or implementing unregistration through the USSD service on their cellphones. Why do you need to carry out unreg when you register a new no? The answer is simple, because there is a provision that informs you that one Identity Card (KTP) can only be used for a maximum of 3 card no.

This provision can be found in the Circular of the Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (BRTI) no 01/2018 and the BRTI Decree No. 3/2008. This provision is enforced because many people currently have more than one cell phone. Without this provision, there is no limit on the number of nos that a person can have. So it is possible that one ID card number is used to register more than 10.

This opens up opportunities for irresponsible parties to send SMS spam or SMS fraud. Therefore, the government stipulates these provisions. Although it is a bit troublesome because you need to carry out unreg no XL when you can register a new number. This provision can minimize the number of SMS spam and fraud. Without card registration, no XL (and other operators) cannot be used to send SMS, make calls, or access the internet.

1. Unreg via SMS

Unreg Through Customer Service, you can directly convey your desire to carry out the unregistration on XL cards to customer service officers (CS). CS officers will help you in the process of disabling the XL card you have.

2. Unreg Through Dial Up

3. Lost XL Card Unreg

When you experience losing a cellphone that has an XL number in it, there is a method that you can use. In the situation of losing your cellphone, the process of unregistration is important to avoid misuse of your XL number. This is because the telephone number is currently connected to the Family Card number (KK) and the Citizenship Identification Number (NIK). To carry out unregistration in the case of losing your cellphone with the XL number in it, you can use the XL call center facility. Here are the steps:

In addition, there is important information for you Indosat users, because: "How to Freely Choose Your Own Beautiful Number".

So after knowing how to unreg XL cards, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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