JAKARTA PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) has succeeded in improving the company's operational performance by using the Exadata Cloud @Customer service from Oracle, a company providing Cloud services.

Based on PT. KAI's statement, the transportation operator received several benefits by migrating the workload to Oracle's closed service, such as increasing passenger management capacity and cost savings by up to 30 percent.

"Oracle Exadata Cloud @Customer improved our operational performance by 50 percent and increased passenger management capacity by 15 percent in a matter of months," said Executive VP Information Technology of PT. KAI Albertus Indarko Wiyogo on Wednesday, January 17.

Before migrating to Oracle Exadata Cloud @Customer, PT. KAI used regular Exadata. Indarko said that they had used the service for a year, but this technology still provides some obstacles.

"At that time we used Exadata, then came a few years and it turned out that Exadata also had several limitations," said Indarko. For this problem, PT. KAI took the initiative to move to the Cloud service, but internal parties forbade it.

"In 2021, what if we run to the cloud. Only, indeed there is a mandate from our internal regulation, no data (internal company) is outside, so Oracle arrives with Cloud @Customer solution," explained Indarko.

Adding to Indarko's statement, VP IT Operation of Information System PT. KAI Eris Imron Rosyadi said that their company was already very overwhelmed with the workload of the ticket system because the majority of purchases were in the application.

The transaction at the counter is only five percent of all transactions in KAI. Reflecting on the business process that has started to move or increase, in the end, we also have to pay attention to the flexibility side of the operation," said Eris.

After exploring Exadata Cloud@Customer, PT. KAI knows that the closed-based service can be placed in their data center. The company also decided to use the service.

This workload migration has extended PT. KAI's cooperation with Oracle. For the next few years, PT. KAI will continue to use this service to optimize workloads and make the system run faster at lower costs.

Ket. photo:

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