Note! Here's How To Add Shazam Button To Your Control Center IPad And IPhone
How to add Shazam to the iPhone Control Center (photo: Apple)

JAKARTA - In 2018, Apple acquired Shazam, a service that listens to and identifies the music that is playing around you. Shazam has also been integrated into the iPhone and iPad.

However, because Shazam is an independent app, the Shazam button is not placed in your iPhone or Control Center iPad by default. Instead, you have to adjust the Control Center to enable the music recognition button.

Well, to add the Shazam button to the iPhone and iPad Control Center, follow the following tutorial:

Now, with the Shazam button added to your iPhone or iPad, you can use the music recognition feature. Just open Control Center by swipe down from the top right corner of your phone or tablet screen. From there, tap the gray Shazam button.

Once active and listening to music, the Shazam button will turn on and slowly pulse. Then, when the song is identified, a banner notification will appear at the top of your screen.

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